Artificial Intelligence. Some of our greatest works of science fiction focus on it. But how far can we go before science fiction... becomes science fact?
Artificial Intelligence seems to be something of a paradox. If you ask a range of people about it you'll find that it seems to exist in a space of time between right this second and the distant future. This disparity of understanding leaves people not understanding the extent of modern Artificial Intelligence that is already a big part of their daily lives. Artificial Intelligence is all around us already. In our phones, cars, planes, trains, home assistants - the list goes on! But, should we be worried about this technology? A lot of the time people base their opinions of AI from works like The Terminator, Black Mirror and 2001 A Space Odyssey. But, what exactly is it in reality? How does it work? When did this technology escape the silver screen and invade our homes? And most importantly: When are we going to see Skynet?
When looking at a concept from the outside and not knowing a lot about what it may achieve it can be extremely daunting. Much like learning a language it can be difficult to find a frame of reference at first to draw similarities between what we know and what we do not. As people unfamiliar with the technology look at Artificial Intelligence, what do they see? This project presents an insightful look at a range of people who explain their feelings about a technology they don't neccesarily understand, but may ultimately end up being effected by in a significant way in the not to distant future.
The Project In Brief
computer.Learn() is a dive into the past, present and future of Artificial Intelligence, it includes moments of reflection from people who have varied experiences with Artificial Intelligence and aims to provide a basic insight into the workings of AI - presented as clearly and simply as possible. After all, if people are to form opinions on a technology that could potentially shape the future of their lives in a meaningful way it would help if they, at first, understood the basics of it.

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